Literární soutěž - prodlužujeme uzávěrku do 31. března!📢

Dnes otevřeno: Pro dospělé: zavřeno, Děti a mládež zavřeno Týdenní pracovní doba

Services for the disabled

Physically Handicapped

The library is wheelchair accessible, inluding the lavatory. Both floors of the building are accessible by lift. Aisles are wide enough to make passing easy. Car parking is available at the car park with a reserved parking space for the disabled in front of the Prior building next to the library. Citizens with a reduced ability to move can ask for having their books delievered.

Visually Impaired

Both departments, Children's and Adult's, offer audiobooks. Children can also borrow Magic reading (electronic pen for special books). Adult's department lends optical glasses and reading magnifiers. We have a computer spot with high contrast keyboard.

Hearing impaired

In cooperating with Mr. Redlich and the Centre for physically handicapped of the Liberec region, we organize a Czech sign language course. Some of our librarians have completed the course and therefore have a basic knowledge of the sign language.


Manipulační poplatek spojený s registrací
  • držitelé ZTP a Senior pasu/důchodci 120 Kč