Literární soutěž - prodlužujeme uzávěrku do 31. března!📢

Dnes otevřeno: Pro dospělé: 8 - 18, Děti a mládež 8 - 17 Týdenní pracovní doba


In the library

Readers under 15 years of age

- readers receive registration based on the registration form in the Children's department, with the consent of parents (or legal representatives)

Readers 15+

- readers receive registration based on their ID and registration form in the Adult's department.


On-line registration

Download the registration form, fill it in, sign it and send us scan to: Wait to receive an e-mail notice to pay the annual registration fee to the following bank account: 123-3784340217/0100 (stating the reader's name in the note), or pay with your credit card via GoPay.

Registration forms (CZ)

Registration form - readers 15+ years of age
přihláška čtenáře nad 15 let (543.16 KB)
Registration form - readers under 15 years of age
Přihláška čtenáře mladšího 15 let (548.22 KB)
Registration form - institutions of Semily - schools
Přihláška pro semilské instituce (542.63 KB)