Literární soutěž - prodlužujeme uzávěrku do 31. března!📢

Dnes otevřeno: Pro dospělé: 8 - 18, Děti a mládež 8 - 17 Týdenní pracovní doba

What can library teach you?

Virtual university of the third age

Attenders of VU3A with the status of a retired person study a three-year program called "The world around us II." which is devided into six semestres. The guarantor of the program is Czech university of Life Sciences Prague. Courses offered differ by topic, ranging from nature, society, hobbies and arts of the present and past. Students of the VU3A meet once in a fortnight, on Tuesdays in the library. Each course consists of four lectures. Attenders watch pre-recorded lectures, work on tasks and do tests. Meetings are occasionally enriched with trips or special homework according to the topic, which are activities invented by the tutor and the director of the library, Mgr. Jitka Šedinová. After finishing six different courses, the students receive Leaving certificates and may take part in the graduation ceremony at the university in Prague. Those interested in further studies may apply for another cycle of lectures.

Mini-university of Semily

We have quickly run out of topics within the VU3A, and therefore we offer our very own Mini-university of Semily to those who crave for knowledge. Our aim is to find attractive topics to complement the offer of Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and set them in the regional environment. This year's topic is Architecture focusing on Czech setting and regional monuments. The course is open to wide audience. Again we meet once in a fortnight at 10 a.m. The tutor of the course is a history of art specialist Mgr. Lenka Patková. You may apply for a new semester to study Architecture II.

Memory training

The much desired course among educational activities of the library is Memory training, an interactive course with a 2nd level certified coach Růžena Buchová. Memory training is a combination of cognitive training and relaxing psychomotor exercise, using various games. Attenders will see that their memory is functioning; they will benefit from concentration exercies and using complex memory strategies (such as association or visualisatzion) together with memory enhancing methods. The training is beneficial for everyone. Meetings take place in the reading room of the library every Monday at 5.15 p.m. Another course is planned for spring 2022. After finishing the course successfully, you may attend our Alumni club to keep developing gained strategies.

Czech sign language course

A course accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, organized by the Centre for physically handicapped of the Liberec region in cooperation with Municipal Library of Semily. Successful graduates will receive a leaving certificate. The course is tutored by Mgr. Karel Redlich, Dis. The course is focused on lexical and grammatical aspect of the language, proficiency of language and communication, communication with native speakers (deaf guests). The course is taking place at the moment. We will keep you infromed about a new course!

Reader's club for children and teenagers

Are you aged 8-12? Do you love books? Do you wish to immerse in other worlds on the pages and experience fantastic stories? Would you like to know what others think of the book, and share your thoughts? Join the Reader's club in our library! The club is run by our librarian Jana Baánová and you can look forward to a great choice of new books, topical games and creative activities, and above all, to incredible experiences on the pages of books! Meetings take place on Mondays at 4 p.m. It is possible to join the Reader's club anytime during the school year 2021/2022.

Computer lessons

How to master a computer? Would you like to become "friends" with a computer and don't know how to? The aim of the course is to help you make the first steps. We will show you the basics of e-mail communication and browsing the Internet. (It is possible to borrow a notebook for the course.) How to master a tablet? The course aims at absolute beginners. It will help you get rid of worry, it will help you handle your tablet, how to install apps, search for what you need and at the same time, we will discuss dangers of the virtual world. (It is necessary to have your own tablet with OS Android!). Courses are planned to start in spring 2022.

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Virtual university of the 3rd Age course
  • Musical instruments / History of clothing culture 400 Kč
Price for 1 semester - 6 lectures.
Mini-university of Semily course
  • Architecture II 400 Kč
Price for 1 semester - 6 lectures.
Memory training
  • Kurz trénování paměti pro začátečníky Memory training course for beginners 400 Kč
Price for 5 lessons.
Computer course
  • How to master a computer? 400 Kč
  • Jak na tablet? 400 Kč
Price for 6 lessons.
Reader's club
  • Reader's club zdarma
Free of charge.