Literární soutěž - prodlužujeme uzávěrku do 31. března!📢

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Reading support

Learning by stories

Municipal Library of Semily took part in project "Learning by stories" (implemented by Nová škola, o. p. s.) in the school year 2018/2019. Our children's department librarian cooperated with local primary school (ZŠ Dr. F. L. Riegra Semily) on developing experimental lessons for 5th graders. The aim of the project is to create an instructional model for literature classes based on development of reading skills. Within the framework of cooperation among primary schools and public libraries, a course of three tested educational programes aimed at 6th - 9th graders will be created. Consequently, the programmes will be offered to general use.

Bookstart - books for babies

Our library became a part of the project Bookstart. Within the babies welcoming ceremony at local town hall, parents receive sets containing a children't book and leaflets with information to support reading literacy. The aim of the project is to bring active parents with babies to libraries. They are invited to entertaining events during which parents get acquainted with children's literature, learn why it is important to spend time with their children with books and reading, and they will have the opportunity to gain inspiration and tips for having fun with a book.

Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic, the organizer of the project Bookstart, issued a "ten commandments" to support reading:

·       Talk to your children.

·       Reat to your children.

·       Give children the opportunity to see you reading.

·       Ask older children to read to the younger ones.

·       Visit library together.

·       Visit bookshops. Give children books for presents.

·       Give children books about topics they are particularly interested in.

·       Have books, magazines and newspapers all around your home.

·       Say riddles, poems or sing songs together.

·       Tell stories about your family and stories you liked when you were children.

MAS Gateway to Bohemian Paradise

In school year 2019/2020, local project Gateway to Bohemian Paradise supported the effort of our library to improve reading literacy. Their financial support helped increase the offer of our library; we managed to organize more talk shows, reading workshops, lectures and meetings with writers. In school year 2021/2022 bought book sets of Bookstart for children from Semily and neighbourhood.

Now I'm a reader - books for 1st graders

Municipal Library of Semily has been an active participant of the project "Now I'm a reader - books for 1st graders" for many years. At the end of school year, firstgraders are invited to the ABC book festivities, where they are dubbed new readers and receive a unique book together with a voucher for an annual registration in our library. The aim of the project is developing reader's habits of young pupils.

Publishing activity

Take a Stroll Around Semily

In March 2019, Municipal Library of Semily published its own book called "Take a Stroll Around Semily". It is an educative book for children aged 4-8. Stories of little crow Krákorka from Raven rock follow track with seven stops at important spots in Semily. The book was gifted to local kindergartens and teachers of 1st - 3rd graders at primary schools. Consequently, talk shows with children took place in library. The book was success, in summer 2019 was published in 2nd edition and also an English version. The book was written by our librarians from Children's Department, Petra Luňáková and Jana Baánová, and illustrated by Viktor Blažek. The book is available for purchase in our library or in tourist information centre in Semily.