Literární soutěž - prodlužujeme uzávěrku do 31. března!📢

Dnes otevřeno: Pro dospělé: 8 - 18, Děti a mládež 8 - 17 Týdenní pracovní doba

Library collections and services

Library collections

Book collections of the library totalled 66 388 items altogether as of December 31, 2019. In the year in question the library purchased 2 228 items, was donated 419 items, and wrote off 2 549 items.


Public opening hours are 36 hours a week. Available for lending are: books, magazines, newspapers, maps, audiobooks and music. It is possible to borrow eReaders for e-books. Children's department offers board games, brain easers and Magic reading (electronic pen for special books). Since December 2019, the catalogue has been offering also e-books; nowadays readers can choose from ten thousand books. Library arranges for interlibrary loans. Other services are also available: information, data, reprographic and more (reading room with multimedia equipment hire, lending optic glasses in Adult's Department, book return box, etc.).

Performing regional functions

Municipal Library of Semily has been authorized by Regional Research Library in Liberec to perform regional functions in former district Semily (in accordance with Law No. 257/2001 Coll. on Libraries and Terms of Operating Public Library and Information Services - Library Act, § 11, clause 4). Funding of the regional services is provided from the Liberec region budget.

Attended libraries

Regional department of Municipal Library of Semily attends 8 professional libraries, 1 professional library branch, 56 non-professional libraries, 2 branches of basic libraries, in total 67 attended libraries.

Basic standards of regional functions

- counselling and methodology visits

- analysis and library activities statistics

- education of librarians, meetings

- building exchange library collection, its circulation and distribution

- help wtih library collection review and update

- purchase and processing library collections acquired from the means of the library keeper

- servicing the automated library system

- other services for libraries (cooperation in developing web presentation of libraries; delivering magazine Světlik within the distribution of exchange library collection, interlibrary loans, librarian printed forms and other aids, etc.)

Cultural events and education

Municipal Library of Semily organizes cultural and educational programmes throughout all age groups.

Talk shows and programmes for kindergartens

Programmes for kindergartens are prepared at least twice a year at Children's department. They are based on new children's books written by mostly contemporary authors. The aim is to support development of pre-reading literacy. Programmes are interactive; reading is followed by various activities, movement and role-playing.

Reading workshops for primary schools

Library has created an approach of continuous cultural/educational programmes for pupils at primary school, starting from the 1st grade. Reading workshops introduce new books, teach children how to find their way around book sections and how to choose a convenient book suitable for their age. Talk shows for primary school pupils in grades 1-5 are based on a particular book; we read passages, discuss, carry out various tasks. It is optimal to attend one talk show and one reading workshop in every grade. To primary school pupils in grades 6-9 library offers reading workshops and topical talk shows, for example on poetry or popular science. Pupils in grades 8-9 are introduced to our new section of "young adult" literature, which opens the door to Adult's department for them.

Talk shows and events for the public

Talk shows for the public are organized by Adult's department regularly on on various topics. Among the most popular ones are regional topics and self-help. We also invite guests: writers, travellers, specialists in various fields.

Children's department organizes two types of talk shows. Either writers of children's books are invited, or librarians organize events for the public simliar to those for preschoolers or young school children.

Recurrent events

Night with Andersen is one of the regular events and it takes place throughout the country. The programme aims at young school children and includes a sleep-over in the library. In summer months, librarians from Children's department go to local park for public reading with activities. Library started a literary competition in 2017. May and June are months when 1st graders come to the ABC book festivities, where they are dubbed new readers. About once in a month, library organizes a clearance sale of used books (written-off volumes from library collections or donations).

Educational courses

Municipal library opens courses within the framework of life-long learning: Virtual university of the 3rd age, Memory training, Computer lessons, Czech sign language courses - click here for details.